Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Mountains of Clouds

The dim lit sky
yet billows gleam

dark and light
wrapped around its ever-growing trunk

It rises and spreads
grabbing the eyes

We stop to watch the pattern
arise from something so inviting
yet often terrifying, awe-inspiring

Faces, and shapes, abstract and exact
everything we want to see
In these mountains of clouds

Gods and demons wrestle within them
shaking the air and splitting the sky

We all live beneath them
As they remind us how small are our lives.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Life To the fullest

Most of the time I can't see straight
Caught between the rocks and hard place

So cherish the pain that you're feeling
The pleasure of faking it
Cause we awake ready to dream for a better future

We think it's possible
But not probable
Put it on the shelf and let it be a memory

Every day is just a day
some days to survive,
some we don't feel quite right

The "fullest" is an ideal and we are idealists
Never think it wrong to express it as a